Yellow day
The bright rays of the sun, the summer afternoon, the sunflower and the favourite fruit- mango, when we hear all these words we associate the color yellow with it. The colour that we see bright and vibrant among the colours of nature.
Yellow is absolutely invigorating. It stimulates our nerves, glands, and brain, making us more alert and energized. Yellow boosts our memory, and it encourages communication. Florescent Public School organised a yellow day for the students. The students were participating by making yellow paper cutouts and craft pieces. The students of nursery and Jr. KG made yellow ducks of shapes and the students of Sr. KG made a lion out of yellow colour. Activities such as these promote art and craft while teaching students the importance of the colour. It’s a color that promotes activity and interaction. Yellow is an upbeat and cheerful hue that is enlightening. It evokes pleasant feelings, captivating and charming with ease.It’s an effective communicator and provides clarity. It is one of the primary colour apart from Red and Blue. Hallmarked for its beaming presence, the color yellow allures with its illuminating essence. Associated with the more pleasant things in life, yellow kindles joy and happiness.
Florescent Public School hopes all the students get to understand how a colour affects things’ perception and the way we embrace it.