Show and Tell Activity
Show and Tell gives children an opportunity to stand up in front of their friends and speak about a topic that interest them or share something that they love. It builds confidence and helps children develop effective communication skills.
Florescent Public School organised a show and tell for the students of grade 1 to 3 including props of the fruits and vegetables. Things that the students see and interact with in daily life. This makes it easier for the student to talk about it after having interacted with them previously. The act of show and tell, from choosing the item, to talking about it in front of peers, to showing it to everyone, provides students the chance to be in charge, and have their choices and voice honoured. Giving children time to share a part of their home life, their interests, with the group creates an environment of caring and fosters their sense of self and wellbeing. This helps developing emotional sense, speech development and also respectful listening. Florescent Public School wishes all the students take a great deal of learning from today’s activity and continue implementing them in their lives and improve their own development.