A Committee is formed comprising the subject Heads, Academic Supervisors, Academic officer & the Principal. The aim of the committee is to design academic policies, implementation of innovative methods of teaching, framing evaluation pattern and carryout treasures to improve academic standards of the school.
To impart the leadership quality and team work in the students various club & associations are introduced in the school namely Music club, Eco club, Health club, Art & craft club, literary club and subject associations such for Science, Social studies, Math and Hindi etc.
The school library is also strengthened by introducing a separate children’s section for the students of class I to XII.
There are four houses in the school. The mottos of these houses are as follows :
All students are allotted a house, to which they will belong throughout their school life. Each House is headed by a House captain, a House vice captain and a number of House representative.
House Warden & House Tutors are responsible for developing close relationships with each of the student in their respective Tutorial Groups and looking after their general well-being, as well as their academics, sports and co-curricular performance.
Points are awarded to students of each house throughout the year for their individual and collective performance in academics, co-curricular activities, games and sports.
School organizes various Inter Houses activities and competitions.