Red Day Celebration
What a dark place this world would have been if there were no colours or we havent had the ability to perceive the colours. The colours loves and smiles, illuminate the air with energy, vigor, and exuberance. All the colours are basically made up with different combinations of three primary colours- Red, Blue and Yellow.
The red color symbolizes enthusiasm, life, and passion. Red has a range of symbolic meanings through many different cultures, including life, health, vigor, war, courage, anger, love and religious fervor. The common thread is that all these require passion. In Indian culture, the colour red holds a very high significance. From auspicious occasions to weddings and to the clothes of god- one can find the presence of colour red.
Florescent Public School had organised a craft session for the students of kindergarten to enhance their “learn while play” concept. They learnt several shapes from edgy triangles to curved all-around circles. Making various objects and hearts out of red coloured papers. They also crafted various strawberries out of the pretty red colour and displayed their efforts and crafty talent.
Florescent Public School wishes everyone a very Happy Red Day and we hope the words by Alice Meynell signify it:
“The true color of life is the color of the body, the color of the covered red, the implicit and not explicit red of the living heart and the pulses. It is the modest color of the unpublished blood.”