Nandotsav Celebration
चलो देख आए नंद घर लाला हुआ
यह तो नंदजी के घर का उजाला हुआ।
वर्षा आनंद की बरसाने वाला हुआ
सुख नैनो को पहुंचाने वाला हुआ।।
Lord Krishna chose 8th day of Dark Fortnight in the month of Bhadarvo (August-September) to appear on this earth for the pleasure of his devotees. As Lord Krishna appeared at midnight, devotees begin celebrating the festival from midnight only.
Florescent Public School organised a Nandotsav for the students of pre-primary to class 8 to educate them and make them celebrate the festival of the culture.
The students of pre-primary joined to create a Mugut for Lord Krishna. The yellow pitambar coloured paper representing the gold and Krishna’s Mor-pinchh at the top. Students of class 1 to class 5 participated in making Basuri that we see Lord Krishna holding and playing sweet tunes on while herding the cows. Whereas the students of class 6 to class 8 created a Matki on a paper by decorating with multiple colours and small mirrors. This represents the same famous Matki that Lord Krishna in his childhood would steal the butter from the houses of Gokul. Sri Krishnashtami brings much joy and feeling of unity not only among adults but also among kids.
Florescent Public School wishes a Happy Nandotsav to all the students and teachers and hopes that students enjoyed and learnt about Sri Krishna’s sweet pastimes.