Independence Day Celebration
15th August 1947 is the day when India got freedom from around 200 years of British rule. It was very tough time for every Indian. To make India an Independent nation many non-violent struggle and freedom movements were carried out by our freedom fighters in which they sacrificed their lives for our beloved motherland.
In order to celebrate the patriotism in all of our heart, Florescent Public School organised an Independence Day Activity. The students of class pre-primary to all the way to class 8 wholeheartedly participated in it. Students of Pre-primary were engrossed making a tricolour flower. They cut and wrapped papers in the colours of national flag to make a shape of the flowers. The students of class 1 to class 5 made a tricolour band to put on their hands as a show of patriotism. The higher classes of 6 to 8 participated by making a hanging piece from papers coloured in orange, white and green. Celebrating Independence Day represents the core of our beliefs, the very makeup of our identity as citizens of India.
Florescent Public School wishes all the students a very happy Independence Day and hopes and days like this and activities like this instil a deep sense of love and passion towards the country.
Jai Hind.