Green Day Activity
Colours like green, orange, and white, hold a treasured place in the Indian imagination.
Long associated with Indian sporting achievements, these colours have strong environmental connections. Green conjures images of India’s forests, mineral wealth, grain harvests and the wide landscape of pastures.
The scientific research is clear about the psychological implications of looking at greens generally. Studies have shown that seeing the color green is linked to enhanced creative thinking. Keeping these sentiments in mind, Florescent Public School organised a Green Day Activity for the students. The students created an imprint of a potato masher on the white paper depicting the shell of the turtle. It was to show a hard rounded shell with scales and patterns on it. There were other flora and fauna that depicted the green colour. Activities such as these help students to activate their creativity and enhance their extra curricular senses.
Florescent Public School wishes all the students a happy Green Day and hopes activities such as these entice students into more creative fields and brighten their future.