Chumki Mukharji
Importance of student well-being

Student well-being encompasses the overall development of a student which include their mental, physical and emotional well-being. Life becomes enjoyable and satisfactory for a student if they are taken proper care of. In a nutshell, student well-being is the way a student perceives themselves and their life.
Student well-being is very essential as we can see that their happiness and academic excellence are intertwined. So schools should be those platforms where the students are not only going to accumulate knowledge but they should also be the places where the priority lies in the well-being of the students.
Schools play a significant role in moulding the life of a student. Here they learn to recognize their potentiality, to manage the challenges of life and also how to work creatively and productively to make their valuable contribution towards the society. The emotional well- being of a student is equally important as it enables the child to face the problems that life throws at them. When schools foster emotional well-being of a student, it can lead to a greater academic performance and lifelong good health. Well-being of a student is important as it reduces the disciplinary issues and contribute to personal and national thriving. Students with strong emotional well-being have the power to interact, learn and progress from difficult circumstances.
Students should be reminded very often that their flaws do not define them and that they should continue to strive working hard. Overall development or the well-being helps the students to live a healthy and fulfilling lives. It also assists them in making wise decisions and also make them dynamic in local and global matters.