Christmas Celebration
Christmas is celebrated on 25th December every year by the world Christian community. The day holds much significance for Christians as they believe that Jesus Christ was born on the same day at Bethlehem. It is observed as a public holiday in several countries.
Florescent Public School organised a Christmas celebrations for the students on December 24th. It was celebrated in the school premises with great enthusiasm and zeal. The kids were most excited about the celebration of the fest. The campus was cleaned and decorated with garlands, lights, ribbons, and balloons. The Christmas tree is decorated with stars, balloons, and lights by the students. A red tshirt and blue jeans with the Christmas Cap like a star to the tree was adorned on each student of the preprimary. There was lots of laugh and fun and enjoyment.
Florescent Public School wishes all its students the best of the Christmas spirit and may Jesus bring happiness to all our lives.