Komal Bhatt
Child's Journey starts with parents from their home. So, it is the ultimate responsibility of parents to provide real and better education to their child. The parents should provide information to their child in such a way that increase ‘Knowledge’ and he/she can become enlightened by combined efforts of not only school but also parents.
Child studies in school for 6 to 8 hours and for remaining 16 to 18 hours he/she stays at home. So the parents should create proper atmosphere at home.
Nowadays the parents are forcing to accept their thoughts and expectations. The duty of parents is not only to satisfy physical necessities but also to help in all round development of the child.
It is said, “The birds give wide sky to their baby.” And “Human beings give cage to their child.” The parents should not be strict with their child, rather they should become friendly with their child. They have to create qualities like punctuality, confidence cleanliness, discipline, creativity, hard work etc.
Mostly, parents high expectations creates obstacles in child’s development. In monsoon, the grass is grown everywhere. There is no effort in growing that useless grass while rose plants doesn’t grow on its own, we have to take care of it. Similarly, if we want to develop our child as a rose, we have to take care of him/ her properly.
It is said that every child is blessed with special skill. We have to identify it and give proper direction for their future development.
Read MoreSangita Jadav
NEW Education Policy
The new National Education policy came into existence. on 29 July 2020, after replacing the existing National Education policy . The change in education policy is made after the gap of a total of 34 Years but the change was necessary and the need for the time should have been made earlier. The present education system is the result of changes made in the existing education policy of 1986 . It has been implemented to foster the learner and the nation ‘s development. The new education policy focuses on the child ‘s overall development. The policy is destined to achieve it’s objective by 2030.
The earlier system of education was basically focused on learning and giving results . The students were judged by the marks attained. This was an unidirectional approach to development. But the new education policy focuses on the relevance of a multi disciplinary approach. It aims at all round development of the student.
Read MoreNidhi Kothari
Importance Of Time
As We all are very much familiar with the word time means TIME PERIOD'. The time that is gone time cannot be brought back by even the horses the carriage coaches of six.
Tulsidas says: “that Time is very precious It as doesn't wait for anyone. Once the time slips from our hands like the sand then it is impossible to bring back the gone time”.
If I think for a while about the sun, the moon & the stars we find that they never take rest, then why should we not utilize the time in the best way.
The speed of time is very fast and no one can stop its speed. In nature also all the things such as season come on time. The sun also rises in the east & sets in the west. If in India people start working or keeping the importance of time in mind, then that day is not much far when India would be one of the prosperous countries in the world.
Moral: If health is lost something is lost, if wealth is lost nothing is lost but if time is lost everything is lost.
So Don’t Waste your time and
“success will kiss your feet.”
Read MoreGrishma Suthar
“Children are the blank slate” It is universally acknowledged that the first five years of life, are probably the most crucial in an individual’s development. There is no other time in human life when so much is learned in so brief a period. In our shortterm concern for preparing the child adequately for formal academics, we sometimes tend to neglect the true nurturing of their minds. Nurturing care not only promotes physical, emotional, social and cognitive development, it also protects effects of adversity. It produces lifelong and inter-generational benefits for health productivity and social cohesion. Nurture allows children to connect with others, to build important relationships, and to develop a sense of self-worth
Read MoreChumki Mukharji
Importance of student well-being

Student well-being encompasses the overall development of a student which include their mental, physical and emotional well-being. Life becomes enjoyable and satisfactory for a student if they are taken proper care of. In a nutshell, student well-being is the way a student perceives themselves and their life.
Student well-being is very essential as we can see that their happiness and academic excellence are intertwined. So schools should be those platforms where the students are not only going to accumulate knowledge but they should also be the places where the priority lies in the well-being of the students.
Schools play a significant role in moulding the life of a student. Here they learn to recognize their potentiality, to manage the challenges of life and also how to work creatively and productively to make their valuable contribution towards the society. The emotional well- being of a student is equally important as it enables the child to face the problems that life throws at them. When schools foster emotional well-being of a student, it can lead to a greater academic performance and lifelong good health. Well-being of a student is important as it reduces the disciplinary issues and contribute to personal and national thriving. Students with strong emotional well-being have the power to interact, learn and progress from difficult circumstances.
Students should be reminded very often that their flaws do not define them and that they should continue to strive working hard. Overall development or the well-being helps the students to live a healthy and fulfilling lives. It also assists them in making wise decisions and also make them dynamic in local and global matters.
Read MoreKhyati Panchal
Don’t compare with others as there has never been any comparison between the sun and the moon. They shine during their time. A child is kind of a butterfly in the wind. Some can fly but others need help; but every flight makes them foremost effective. The duty of parents is to persuade and encourage them. No two persons will have an identical talent. Don’t compare them with others inside the family or friends. From birth, they are having completely different learning vogue and pace, not exclusively capable of learning but collectively capable of succeeding.
Parenting is the method of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social and intellectual development of a baby from infancy to adulthood. Parenting refers to the aspects of raising a baby except for the biological relationship. The overall pattern of behaviours that a person uses to boost his or her kids. If they’re not alert to a child, then ought not to demand something of them. Offer everything the kid wants for survival with very little to no engagement. Every child has his/her own piece of art and a stunning heart, as a parent, we’ve to attend for his or her own time and verify their talent. Don’t attempt to dictate or force them to participate inside the race without knowing the correct track.
Read MoreFrom The Desk Of Director
Education is an all encompassing term, so wide is its scope that defining it is a herculean task. Education has been variously defined as a process of learning by doing and as a process of learning by experience. Here at Florescent Public School, Thaltej. We try to imbibe these philosophies about education and make it as holistic as possible.
It is this involvement with our surroundings, respect for all creatures, great and small that is required from us as human being. Our philosophy is to instill our students a deep respect for traditional values of the vast Indian culture while providing them an exposure to the best in teaching technologies.
Learning is a lifelong process that can be fulfilling when the mind is open and the individual is willing to work hands on. Our students are provided with every opportunity to experience the joy of learning in the classroom, on the stage, in a debating arena and in the sports field. With a wide array of academic and co-curricular activities each student is encouraged to hone his/her skills and talents.
We are sure that the blend of academics and activities will produce responsible, upright and bright young men and women ready to face the challenges of life.
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