About Us
Name “Florescent”, the vision of the school is to create and nurture a learning culture with students, teachers and parents continuously.
Children inherently love to learn. They grow by sharing their discoveries with each other, their teachers and parents.
Learning is best guided with love and faith in each child. Learning is meaningful when it is supported by thoughtfulness towards the learner and the environment.
Learning is unending when it believes in change and new possibilities. Learning begins with the self, followed by building relationships with nature and society
This is the journey of true education and life. We invite you to be a part of this journey by learning with us, by contributing in thought and spirit and by sharing your learning experiences.

Our Core Values
We value fostering a passion for lifelong learning by acquiring skills and content required for successful and critical thinkers.
We value treating others the way we ourselves like to be treated.
We value the individual has the ability to change the world and the group has the power to make this a reality.
We value igniting the spark of creativity and curiosity in our students.
We value celebrating an accomplishment, be it big or small.
Executive Committee
Sr.no | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. Seema A.Singh | Director |
2 | Sunil Patel | Admin Manager |
3 | Mahesh Mathukiya | Principal |
4 | Chaitali Patel | Senior Vice-Principal |
5 | Dhairya Desai | Vice-Principal |
6 | Bharat Shah | Clerk |
7 | Hitesh Dave | Clerk |
8 | Sangita Jadav (NFPS) | Principal |
9 | Komal Bhatt (NFPS) | Co-Ordinator |
10 | Purvin Bhavsar (NFPS) | Clerk |
11 | Bharat Patel (DEMOCRATIC) | I/C Principal |
12 | Jashu Patel | Accountant |
13 | Dr.Rakesh Patel (B.Ed) | Principal |
14 | Navdip Kapadiya (Law) | Clerk |
15 | Haresh Patel (Law) | Admin |
16 | Jay prajapati | Receptionist |
Vision Statement
Florescent Public School is committed for providing students with exemplary instruction designed to educate the whole child so that he/she may become a productive member of the community.
We nurture intellectual curiosity, collaborative and critical thinking, and effective communication. Instruction is aimed at supporting each student’s ability to achieve at the highest levels.
We encourage all members of the community to contribute to the support of student learning and to act as collaborative partners in the education of our children.
Students are guided in the exploration of their intellectual, artistic, technological, physical, social, and character development.
Our rigorous, standards-based instructional program is geared toward enabling all students to meet the challenges of the future with confidence and compassion.
Mission Statement
The mission of FPS is to provide a safe environment which fosters mutual respect between students, parents, teachers, and administrators, while also cultivating productive citizens by providing structure and support for academic and emotional growth.
Our Core Values
F- Forgiving. “Letting go and moving on”
L- Loyal. “Sticking with, through and through”
O- Optimistic. “Keeping on glasses of positivity”
R- Respectful. “Towards elder and younger”
E- Ecstatic. “Lingering a happy vibe”
S- Savant. “Bowing down to the guru”
C- Captivating. “Engrossed education”
E- Effort. “Work hard- Play hard”
N- Nirvana. “Bring out the best”
T- Transcend. “Going above and beyond”