Guru Athletic Competition
Athletic training and academic study are interrelated. Both are two sides of one coin. Sports in education are an integral part of the curriculum. It helps to shape a person’s personality and contributes to their holistic development. In some ways, this subject is a demonstration of all the disciplines that one has learned in school.
Guru athletic competition was held at Gujarat Vidyapeeth in Ahmedabad on February 15. Students participated in sports such as 200m, 100m and 400m race along with long and high jumps. Florescent Public school won a total of 4 Gold, 6 Silver and 5 Bronze medals. Florescent Public School would like congratulate to all the students who participated in the interschool sports competition! They all showed amazing sportsmanship and dedication, and their hard work has paid off. It is a great achievement to win such a competition, and should be proud of themselves. We hope that this victory will inspire them to continue pursuing their passions and to always strive for excellence.
Florescent Public School would like to extend a special congratulations to the winners. Your talent, teamwork, and dedication have earned you this well-deserved victory. You have shown that with focus and perseverance, you can achieve great things.